The coating industry is flowing many types and variants of protective & marine coatings and linings systems that are designed to fit wide range of applications requirements that range from epoxies
Polyurethanes, hybrids, nano technology and many other variants, we do recommend the correct system that fits your application requirements based on solid knowledge and vast projects experience.

We do apply wide range of coating systems that has proven effectiveness in providing protection under the toughest atmospheric conditions and suitable for use in the middle east’s high temperature climatic conditions, and capable in performing in various extreme corrosive environments.

Our applications include;

  • Nano Coatings to all marine surfaces & Yachts (Deck, Leather, Hull)
  • Pipes / Valves Coatings & Linings
  • Bridge, Rail, & Tunnel Coatings
  • Tank Coatings / Linings that needs high chemical resistance requirements
  • Marine Structures, pontoons, jetties, sheet piles & platforms
  • Wastewater & Secondary Containment Lining
  • Manhole and Sewer Linings
  • Bridge Coatings
  • Steel / Concrete Structures Coatings
  • Heat Resistant / Reflective Line marking
  • Cable Coatings
  • Fire Retardant Coatings
  • Polyurea Applications